Atwood Wine & Spirits

426 Atwood Avenue,


At Atwood Wine & Spirits you'll find an abundant selection of wines, beer and spirits, everything from brands you know and love to wonderful international selections. Beer lovers will enjoy choosing from the classics as well as craft beer styles including lagers, IPAs, Stouts, Porters, Pilsners and more! Can't decide on just one? You don't have to! Create your own unique craft beer sampler when you Mix any Six single beers! Our spirits and liquor selection includes all of the ingredients for your favorite drinks. Each month we feature a new cocktail for customers to try, just look for the recipe card on our store shelves! Wine lovers will enjoy a well rounded offering of wines from around the world as well as everyday favorites. Pair your favorite beverage with a cigar from our cigar case! Not sure what to pair? Every month we feature a new cigar paired up with the perfect beer style, wine varietal and spirit taking the guesswork out of your shopping experience.

Dan Pellegrino